Miss Bawd, here! The Commander In Queef is one of many of my comedy shorts yet to cum! PLEASE SHARE and visit my brand new Etsy store and buy one of my limited edition, hand made anti-Trump/Pro Vulvar novelty items before I get too busy making comedy to keep making them! MUA-HA-HAAA!!! Proceeds go to Lady Liberty’s necessary reconstructive vaginoplasty surgery after being mauled by that monster fro the last four years! Here’s the link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheBawdyBawd?social_invites=1&si_uuid=095bfabd-63c0-4513-91eb-f1044395459b&user_id=58282379&si_time=1603918646&si_page=shop_home&si_trigger=ss&si_object_id=ui.FragmentHolderSingleActivity&platform=android&fbclid=IwAR0SVcTApAYvXyoLoqZLC5LVKQrUqv94vfg5UBXkmvUA_O7H3on26kt-kI8 CREDITS where CREDIT’S due! This video was starring, written, and produced by ME, Teresa Bawd! The Videography, lighting, audio recording, and editing was all...
Source: www.youtube.com] [
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